“The ancient Indian medical system that treats diseases by balancing the structure and chemicals of the body on the basis of navel and Ardhanarishwar is called Wellness Neurotherapy.” 

                                                                                                        – Acharya  Ram Gopal Dixit 

Wellness Neurotherapy is an Indian traditional technique that works to keep the body balanced through the principle of Nabhi and Ardhanarishvara. It is a body balancing therapy in which pressure or friction is applied on different parts of the body at different angles for a certain period and in a certain sequence, which corrects the malfunctioning of the organs and corrects them. Thus, it frees the body from the roots of disease. It also rejuvenates and detoxifies the body. This therapy includes therapeutic massage for rejuvenation and detoxification of the body. It relaxes the body, mind and brain. It also maintains the homeostasis of the body by balancing the acidic and alkaline levels in the body. It is an effective technique that provides physical and mental bliss by reducing physical and mental stress.

As wellness has been defined earlier, neurotherapy is one such option in the field of medicine today that fulfills this meaning of wellness. We will not be exaggerating if we say that Neurotherapy addresses all the needs of holistic wellness. It covers all aspects of health including mental health, physical health, social health and to some extent spiritual health.

So Wellness Neurotherapy is not only for the sick person but it is also beneficial for the healthy person to stay healthy for a long time. This treatment is not for any disease but its aim is to bring the glands back to their normal functioning. In other words the body organs are gradually stimulated so that they can resume their basic functions on their own. If this treatment is taken for a few days then it definitely improves the quality of health. Apart from this, it increases the vitality of the person and improves his immunity. It rejuvenates the body and increases the working capacity of the person. It also slows down the aging process by improving metabolism, appetite and thirst, reducing weakness and eliminating toxins from the body. Thus it makes the person more enthusiastic, youthful, stress free and happy. Therefore Wellness Neurotherapy is a medical system in which the whole body is treated keeping in mind the specific disease of the patient.

Definition of Health and Disease:

Health: Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Health also refers to metabolic and functional efficiency in living organisms.

Health is considered a basic parameter of life. There are many things that can affect the health of a living organism, including the physical condition of the body as well as the mind and mental condition. Being healthy is equivalent to many positive attributes. It means more efficiency, more productivity at work, better understanding of the environment as well as better longevity.

A healthy body is a good sign not only for oneself but also for the economy. This is because if the population of a country is healthy and energetic, productivity increases, which leads to economic prosperity. Another aspect of good health is that it reduces infant and maternal mortality.

According to Ayurveda:

Samadoshah Samagnishcha Samadhatu Malakriyaah.

Prasannatmendriyamanah Swasthayaitiabhidheeyate॥

A person whose doshas, ​​agni, dhatu and Malakriya are in balance; and whose soul, senses and mind are happy, is said to be healthy.

Disease: The human body should be able to function properly in its entirety. If any organ or organ system does not function properly, leading to signs and symptoms of ill health, it is said that the state of health is not good. However, the human body has the ability to heal itself and attack any foreign body that enters it, thanks to the special functions that are carried out within the body.

But, there are times when the body is invaded by microbes or microorganisms, which disrupt the effective functioning of the entire system. These microbes cause infection and create a condition in the body that disrupts the functioning of the infected organ/organ system. This condition is called disease.

Any disease is usually accompanied by signs and symptoms that indicate to us that all is not well with the functioning of the bodily organs and systems. Thus these symptoms are used as indicators that help diagnose the type of disease.

Diseases can be of many types. Some diseases can spread from one person to another, while some diseases do not spread from one person to another. Some diseases can be life-threatening and even fatal, resulting in death, if proper medication or treatment is not taken on time.

Definition of Wellness Neurotherapy:

“It is an ancient system of medicine based on the principle of Nabhi and Ardhanarishwar, which aims at Swasthya Swasthya Rakshanam, Aturasya Roga Prasmanam, to balance, control and regulate the imbalanced structure and chemicals of the body, by placing different parts of the body of a person at different angles, by applying pressure or gentle friction in a certain time and number with the help of hands or feet, by activating blood circulation and nerve circulation of the targeted gland or organ. It is stimulated by increasing or decreasing the amount of hormone, due to which the production of the targeted hormone or enzyme becomes regular and controlled and the person becomes completely healthy. No medicine or machine is used in this, hence it is a method without side effects.

“The ancient Indian medical system that treats diseases by balancing the structure and chemicals of the body on the basis of navel and Ardhanarishwar is called Wellness Neurotherapy.”

When the normal order, configuration or sequence (order) of the body gets disturbed, that is, there is disorder, disarrangement, dis-order (dis-order), then due to the imbalance (IMBALANCE) of Tridosha and Saptadhatu in the body, diseases start occurring. The body starts becoming diseased and painful (DIS-EASE). Through Wellness Neurotherapy, that internal and external disorder is balanced by the use of yogic friction and pressure on blood circulation, nerve circulation and skeletal structure at a specific time and number. The center of the body is corrected by this practice and according to the principle of Ardhanareshwar, all the body parts, body chemicals, genes and chromosomes start coming into their normal order and process (ORDER), due to which the body also starts becoming pain free (EASE).

Advantages of Wellness Neurotherapy:

  1. Control of Stress: Wellness Neurotherapy can help in reducing physical and mental stress. This reduces physical and mental stress and maintains physical balance.
  2. Improved muscle functioning: Wellness Neurotherapy improves muscle flexibility, which reduces physical difficulties and improves their movement.
  3. Improved body structure: This therapy can help improve the body structure, allowing it to function better and reduce the chances of premature disorders.
  4. Improved blood circulation: Wellness Neurotherapy increases blood circulation, which improves energy flow and improves physical ability.
  5. Control of physical pain: Wellness Neurotherapy can reduce physical pain, making the patient feel more relaxed and lead a more positive life.
  6. Improved sleep: Wellness Neurotherapy increases physical and mental balance, which improves sleep and improves the quality of sleep of the person. 

Wellness Neurotherapy contributes in the following areas:

  1. Physical benefits: Wellness Neurotherapy relaxes the muscles, which reduces physical tension. It increases sensitivity, reduces headaches and other body pains, and improves physical composition.
  2. Mental Health: Wellness Neurotherapy can help reduce physical and mental stress. It can help reduce mental stress, depression, and anxiety.
  3. Immune System: Wellness Neurotherapy has been shown to help strengthen the immune system, which helps improve physical health.
  4. General Wellness: Wellness Neurotherapy can improve physical health as well as self-control and self-esteem, making people feel more satisfied and happy in their lives.

The contribution of Wellness Neurotherapy in India is very significant, especially for physical health and immune system.

  • The contribution of Wellness Neurotherapy to society is significant, and its impact is felt across various segments of society. Here are some of the main ways in which wellness neurotherapy contributes to society:
  1. Health improvement: Wellness neurotherapy plays an important role in improving health in society. It can help improve physical health, relax muscles, and reduce stress, allowing people in society to live more active and healthy lives.
  2. Stress relief: People often face stress in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. Wellness neurotherapy can help reduce stress, making people feel more satisfied and happy.
  3. Social harmony: Wellness neurotherapy promotes social harmony in society. It strengthens sensitivity and relationships among people, increasing the sense of harmony and harmony in society.
  • Wellness neurotherapy can play an important role in the health and performance of athletes, especially in the field of sports. Here are some ways in which massage therapy can be important for sportspersons:
  1. Therapeutic Treatment: Wellness neurotherapy can be an excellent therapeutic treatment tool for sportspersons. In cases of sports injuries, muscle difficulties, or pain, wellness neurotherapy can help heal the injury and provide quick relief to the players.
  2. Sports Stability: Wellness neurotherapy can increase the physical and mental stability of sportspersons. It loosens up their muscles, which increases sports stability and also improves their performance.
  3. Anxiety and Stress Remedy: High stress and anxiety is a common issue in sports. Wellness neurotherapy can help sportspersons reduce this stress and anxiety, thereby improving their performance.
  4. Completing Medical Care: In big sports, human resources are used for sportspersons to keep their health adjusted. Neurotherapists can play an important role in the medical care of sportspersons, especially by treating their physical problems.